This stuff has all been done in the past year and I'm pretty excited about it.
I'm not great at "Art Talk" but Ican say that conceptually I'm just trying to blend natural shapes with geometric ones. These pieces all are three demensional and made to hang on the wall. They are all low fire ceramic. None are functional but most are made under the guise of being a vase.
The size of these pieces are in general 8-10 inches wide and 18-24 inches long. Enjoy
"Bound in Color' This flawed piece is growing on me. Broke in the bisque fire I found all pieces and glued them back together with the black and clear glaze. It is vibrant but photo hides some scars. Influenced by a dress?
"The Key' Working with depth and color I tried to build of the success of Fleet Foot' in this fully functional vase. My favorite bit of this piece is a recess in the very bottom. When hanging this offers some mystery.
"FLEET FOOT" Simply a cut and folded piece of clay built up in a vase form when I fused the bottom the toes accidentally appeared. I'm happy with the glazing that adds more depth and gives the piece a bit more drama.
"RUDI'S GEOMATRY" Talking to a friend about Rudi Audio reminded me that he at one time took a bunch of cut out pieces and attached them to make one cohesive unit. The process is exciting and a bit like building a house that could fall down at any second.
"BIRDMAN" The closest thing to success I've achieved in my art this year. Starting with slabs and seeing where the clay leads me is pretty much what I do but the texture and glaze finally worked. I did not set out to make anything at all but in the end it resembled a bird slightly.
"THE OLD GUY" Just a normal mask with crackle glaze.

"Crazy Vase" I just let this one go. Sometimes you like to let the texture speak and you get caught up in it. More often than not after firing your slightly disappointed. Glazing is fun but pretty spotty as I experimented with old white glaze infused with copper oxide.
"The Fraud" This guy is big(2'x2') and a true survivor as most of my large masks get eaten by the kiln. He's been fired 3 times and keeps on going. The glaze is a combo of bubbling white mixed with colorful slips.Name comes from how I feel when I talk about art.

"Pink Scars" Ted Sims does some great things with metal when he's not crushing it on plastic or rock. His work reminded me of scar tissue so I worked on that concept for awhile. This piece was pretty close to the
vest and the colors are a little muted but it kind of works.

"Organic Scars" Organic seems to be overused but this piece gave me this very natural and fresh feeling as you can see it has a lite air to it and reminds more of a plant then a body. This proved that no matter what the concept the process and the clay seem to get their way.
"Hole in Soul" A strange departure that has a bit of a mood to it the holes just appeared and I started working around them and enhancing them. After adding the scars and tweaking it a bit I came up with something that I hope evokes some emotion.